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世の中的には捨ててもいいようなものも大事にとっておいてあるものだから、どうすべきか悩んだ末に、それを象徴するような部分を切り取って、後は捨ててみたりする。その自分のための「選別」が、そのものが持っていたものらしさを逆に自分の手で破壊してしまったかのように思えて悩む。 また新たなものへの道を示そうと、それらをコラージュに使ってみれば、貼れば貼るほど下にあるものが隠れて見えなくなることに翻弄される。

ものに対する愛着が破滅的であり、自分もものも結局ダメにしてるのは分かっている(はず)ではある。そのためこの愛着からの脱却を衝動的に解決したくなって、ポジティブな破壊を決行してしまうこともある。たいていそうなるとまるで何も解決できず、ただ虚しいだけである。 例えば、体験教室で作った埴輪の置き場所に困り、庭の敷き石の一部にしてしまおうと思い立って、勢いでハンマーで壊してしまった。けれど、思い出を叩き割っているようでとても悲しくなってしまい、庭に撒いたカケラをちまちま拾い集めて結局は袋にひとまとめにしてまた置き場に困ってしまう、ということもあった。


作品に組み込む事で、ものに新たな意味を与えてあげる、といったこともしてみるが、それは自己満足であり、ものも本当は自分の作品なんかになりたくなかったって泣いてるような気もしてくる。 もし自分の作品が美術館や博物館で保存されたなら、作品に組み込まれたものは誰かの手によって大切にされるだろう。でもそれも自分の安心感のためだし、もはや自分のものでもないのに、お前(もの)のためを思って…なんて言えるのだろうか。

「あれ、そういう結果になってしまうの?」 選挙結果を見てそう思った自分はマジョリティ側ではなかったようだし、自分の思う「正しさ」がズレていたようにも自覚させられる。(と、ここではこの文章を書いていた時期に都知事選のニュースが賑わっており、このような内容を書いたわけなので、政治的思想を差し込んだり特定の政党を支持する意思をみせようとしているわけではない。) 思えば、修行じみた行為や反タイパ道などをなぜか自分は選んでしまう。それゆえに貧しくなって、普通にしんどい。もっと真っ当な道を選んだら、このだらだら続く文章のほとんどが削除されるんだろうなと客観視もできる。


When I throw things away, we feel sorry for them. It may be an overreaction, but I think, “Is throwing things away a form of violence against things? I can't throw things away, so they accumulate. The accumulated things start competing with their living space, and eventually they end up in closets or boxes where they feel like they have been stored, but they decay, get moldy, or become discolored, and are ruined. When I notice the changes, I feel sorry for them.

I had been living this way for a long time, but when I was advised that choosing what to keep and what not to keep would be healthier and bring me better luck, I realized that I needed to make such an effort, and recently I finally made up my mind to face the things I had accumulated over the years.

I have been saving some things that I would have been happy to throw away in the world, so after wondering what to do with them, I cut out the parts that symbolize them and throw the rest away. I am troubled by the thought that this “selection” for myself has destroyed the originality of the thing by my own hand. When he tries to use them in a collage to show the way to a new object, he is at the mercy of the fact that the more he pastes, the more he hides what lies beneath and makes it invisible.

I know (or should know) that my attachment to things is ruinous, and that I am ultimately ruining myself and my things. Therefore, I sometimes impulsively want to resolve the break from this attachment and decide to positively destroy it. In most cases, nothing can be solved, and it is just empty. For example, I was at a loss for a place to put a haniwa (clay figurine) I made in a hands-on class, so I decided to make it part of the paving stones in my garden, and broke it with a hammer. However, I felt so sad as if I was smashing my memories, that I picked up the pieces scattered in the garden and put them in a bag and had trouble finding a place for them.

I don't really feel that I am right in my violent acts of trying to make my feelings about things and the things themselves, which are the root of those feelings, “nothing. I should be, but I feel that the lull brought on by paroxysmal destruction has become a habit. It is not a solution of any kind.

I try to give new meaning to things by incorporating them into my work, but this is self-satisfying, and I feel as if the things themselves are crying out that they did not really want to be my work of art. If my work were to be preserved in a museum or art gallery, the things incorporated into it would be cared for by someone else. But that is also for my own peace of mind, and even though it is no longer my own, I wonder if I can say that I did it for the sake of you (the thing).

Is that how it's going to turn out?” It seems that I was not on the majority side when I thought so after seeing the election results, and it also makes me aware that my idea of “correctness” was misaligned. (And I am not trying to insert my political thoughts or show my support for a particular political party, since the news of the Tokyo gubernatorial election was popular at the time I was writing this article.) ) I am not trying to imply that I support any particular political party, but rather that I choose to be a practitioner of asceticism and anti-typa. I am poor because of it, and it is usually hard for me. I can objectively say that if I chose a more upright path, most of this rambling would probably be deleted.

I am often told that I “think too much,” and I do not know what is wrong with me for droning on about such things. These worries may not be worries, but they are great worries for me. I keep creating works in a limbo-like place where I have fallen out of the circle of sympathy by repeatedly forcing relief, destroying, and reflecting on my troubles.

© Yusuke Muroi 2024